Immerse yourself in the magical world of the animated series L'Ecole des Licornes with this magical playset featuring Leaf's stable and her doll Layla. Discover your unicorn's hidden powers and recreate the fantastic adventures of the series.
Reveal Leaf's magical powers by brushing her with water at 5°C. Take care of your unicorn and strengthen your magical bond while imagining captivating stories. This set also includes several accessories for even more realism.
Immerse yourself in the magical world of the animated series L'Ecole des Licornes with this magical playset featuring Leaf's stable and her doll Layla. Discover your unicorn's hidden powers and recreate the fantastic adventures of the series.
Reveal Leaf's magical powers by brushing her with water at 5°C. Take care of your unicorn and strengthen your magical bond while imagining captivating stories. This set also includes several accessories for even more realism.
This Ava and Leaf Color Change Unicorn Academy Mini Doll playset is perfect for all children fascinated by the world of unicorns and magical worlds. With its accessories and magical effects, it promises hours of fun and imagination. A must-have set for recreating scenes from the animated series!