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BeeBot Robot

Programmable robot

A magical little bee called Bee-Bot for young children will help you learn leading, programming and counting.

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Site Reference : RA_TTS001
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Available More than 4 Available
Shipped within 48h
94,80 €

Award winning programmable floor robot, Bee Bot robot is designed for use by young children.

It is very easy to use and friendly for all.

Several buttons are arranged on the top of his back.

By pressing the desired directions one after the other (arrows to move right , left, straight ... ) Bee Bot transcribed the desired path, it runs your program!

At each step executed it beeps and flashes to alert its progress.

It is capable of remembering 40 commands one after another. Kids like teachnig Bee-Bot how to get to a place from another and like programming.

This little robot is now rechargeable to enjoy as often as possible using its skills and playing!

The Bee-Bot App is available here

- Bee-Bot x1
- user’s illustrated guide x1
- USB cable to recharge x1

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