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Beginner Kit For Arduino

Starter kit to discover Arduino

Discover Arduino's interactive electronic kit for beginners. DFRobot proposes this starter kit for beginners who wish to discover Arduino, its possibilities and to get familiar with electronics. Basic control of LEDs, discovery of sensors, controllers and basic or advanced actuators, this kit guides beginners in how to detect and control the physical world through Arduino compatible sensors and microcontrollers. 

In addition to providing premium connecting wires, dual resistors, numerous LEDs, 9g servomotors and remote IR transmitters and receivers, the 4 additional useful components have also been added: relay, motor, fan and potentiometer.

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Site Reference : RA_DFR007
Manufacturer Reference : DFR0100

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49,99 € 44,99 €

Arduino starter kit for beginners by DFRobot


Arduino starter kit for beginners

A DFRduino UNO R3 (Compatible with Arduino Uno R3) is the most stable and widely used Arduino processor, which is 100% compatible with the Arduino IDE. The DFRduino and the DFRobot are both the best-selling Arduino based prototype included in this kit.

The Arduino starter kit followed strict guidelines in the design and choice of packaging, hardware and circuit production technology. The Arduino DFRobot starter kit for beginners therefore ensures the highest quality :

  • Components packed in their own bags: convenient to store and easy to find.
  • 100% quality control: Quality assurance through state-of-the-art technology.
  • Yarns imported from Germany: firm, thick and difficult to break.
  • Color recognizable ports: A/D ports easy to distinguish.
  • Project cards: clear wiring diagram, easy to realize.


Arduino starter kit

Tutorial Arduino DFRobot starter kit

Download on Robot-Advance the tutorial for the Arduino starter kit by DFRobot. It contains information and projects to begin the discovery of Arduino. 

The tutorial "Arduino Getting Started" includes 15 projects that will help you learn Adruino step by step, from easy material to the most difficult concepts. All tutorials provide learning content for both software and hardware systems. By completing interesting projects, you will not only learn programming such as variables and functions, but you will also understand the principles behind the use of electronic components such as light-emitting diodes, buzzers and steering boxes.


Arduino DFRobot starter kit guide

Each course will guide you through rapid project implementation, stimulate your interest in learning, and deepen your knowledge of electronics and programming. Thus, the structure of this curriculum is as follows:


  • List of materials
  • Hardware connection
  • Code writing
  • Code Revision
  • Hardware Revision    

Unlike other tutorials, this tutorial systematically explains how to interpret Arduino code and how to understand the principles of electronic circuits to help you realize creative Arduino programming projects.

The beginner's kit for Arduino includes 15 project boards with detailed circuit diagrams. Students can choose any project to start creating what they are interested in. The kit effectively helps teachers start workshops at school.

Arduino DFRobot starter kit project cards

Arduino DFRobot starter kit and mobile programming

User-sponsored mobile application for developers. Program anywhere! Click on the image below to access the mobile application.

Starter kit Arduino DFRobot mobile application

User-sponsored translations in English, Korean, Russian and other language tutorials freely available HERE.

Arduino Beginners Kit : resources


  • DFRduino UNO R3  x1 
  • Prototyping Shield  x1
  • Jumper Cables M/M x30
  • Jumper Cables F/M x10
  • Resistor 220R x20
  • Resistor 4.7K x20
  • Resistor 10K x20
  • Resistor 1K x20
  • 5mm LED x10
  • IR Receiver Diode x1
  • Mini Push Button x4
  • Ambient Light Sensor x1
  • Tilt Switch Sensor x1
  • 8-Segment LED x1
  • LM35 Temperature Sensor x1
  • Relay x1
  • Buzzer x1
  • Fan x1
  • 130 Motor x1
  • 10K Potentiometer x3
  • Micro Servo x1
  • Mini Controller (with battery CR2025 inside) x1
  • 6 x AA Battery Holder x1
  • 400 Tie Point Interlocking Solderless Breadboard  x1
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