Marv is one of the members of CircuitMess' Wacky Robots collection, designed to introduce curious young minds to the fascinating world of technology and programming. With Marv, kids will learn the basics of electronics, including how ten-year meters and push buttons work, while building their own robot that lights up.
Assemble your Wacky Robot, learn about ten-year counters and LEDs and interact with Marv.
Marv is one of the members of CircuitMess' Wacky Robots collection, designed to introduce curious young minds to the fascinating world of technology and programming. With Marv, children will learn the basics of electronic components, including how ten-year counters and push buttons work, while building their own robot that lights up.
The Wacky Robot Marv from CircuitMess is more than a toy; it's an educational tool that teaches essential STEM concepts in a fun and interactive way. Perfect for children aged 7 and over, Marv is ideal for anyone interested in technology, programming or just creating cool things.