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Frames Dynamixel AX Robotis FP04-F3

Frames Dynamixel Servomotors : 10 pieces

Servo Dynamixel AX series exclusive frames (FP04-F3): Side mounting frame for AX series Dynamixels, 17 connecting methods are available with AX series Dynamixels, High strength of engineering plastic, Can be affixed tightly using bolts and nuts, Grooved for tidy wiring and nut fastening

Caution: not compatible with other Robotis Servomotors Dynamixel series. Set of 10 AX frames FP04-F3.

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Site Reference : RA_GEN058
Manufacturer Reference : 903-0037-001

Out of stock
12,90 €

FP04-F3 (F3 frame) : 10 pcs

*** Bolts and nuts are sold separately. (Bolt Nut Set BNS-10).

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