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Homido Flip VR Remote Control

Homido VR Accessory

Homido Flip is a 3 DOF* gyroscopic controller dedicated to virtual reality, it allows you to point, select, grab, shoot and many other things.

works with the VR Android premium platform as well as the "Cardboard" platforms on Android and iOS

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Site Reference : RA_HOM008
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Homido Flip VR Remote Control

Homido Flip is a 3 DOF gyroscopic controller exclusively dedicated to controlling your virtual reality world. With this VR remote control, you will be able to select, point, point, pull, grab or any other control action you wish to perform.

Homido Flip works with Cardboard platforms on iOs and Android but also with the VR Android Premium virtual reality platform. This remote comes with an open source SDK to allow developers to create content for Android 4.4 or iOS 9.0 and later.

This Homido Pulse controller has a gyroscope, accelerometer, compass and touchpad.

  • SDK: Unity / Native Android / C++
  • Power supply: 2X LR03/AAA / +/- 40h
  • Connectivity: Bluetooth LE
  • Latency: <20 ms
  • Additional features: compatible from Android 4.4 or iOS 9 and higher / Compatible with Homido VR Steam / Unofficial support and no warranty for Google Daydream applications / 30 days warranty
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