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Horn HN07-N101 Robotis

Robotis Horn For RX-24F/28/MX-28

Horn HN07-N101 for RX-24F/28/MX-28 by Robotis. ​Includes Teflon washer. Has high durability of Output shaft. Compatible with RX-24F, RX-28, MX-28, MX-28A Series / NOT compatible with with AX-Series, MX-64/106, X-Series.

Consult the Robotis compatibility table HERE.

> Read more
Site Reference : RA_GEN106
Manufacturer Reference : 903-0164-000

Out of stock
13,90 €
  • HN07-N101 1
  • Wrench Bolt WB M2.5x8 1
  • Wrench Bolt WB M2x3 10
  • Teflon washer 1
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