Nibble is a new and improved version of the console to create and customize MAKERbuino. Since its release in 2017, MAKERbuino has been sold to more than 12,000 customers worldwide. Nibble from CircuitMess is an educational game console to create that's still educational and fun to use: assemble your game console, insert batteries, play retro games and code new games.
Nibble is based on the ESP8266 - a microcontroller used on various Arduino development boards. It can therefore be programmed in the Arduino IDE (C/C++ based) - the most popular programming environment for manufacturers.
This self-made educational console is recommended for children over 9 years old. A DIY game console that will teach you electronics and programming in a fun and interesting way.
Nibble comes preloaded with four retro games inspired by cult classics:
You can code games for your Nibble in the CircuitBlocks code editor similar to Scratch or that allows beginners to easily get started with embedded programming. Get to know electronics through hands-on activities. Assemble the kit and create your own applications and games: assembly, electronics and programming.
Nibble's software is fully open-source and can be downloaded. Nibble's hardware schematics and materials list are also open-source and available online.