ROS-enabled OpenMANIPULATOR-X (RM-X52-TNM) by Robotis is a full open robot platform consisting of OpenSoftware, OpenHardware and OpenCR(Embedded board).
OpenMANIPULATOR-X RM-X52-TNM are based on ROS and OpenSource. The TurtleBot series is the official ROS hardware platform that supports'TurtleBot Arm'. The OpenMANIPULATOR-X RM-X52-TNM is fully compatible with TurtleBot3. Users can also control it more easily by linking it with the MoveIt package! Even if you do not have a robot, you can control the robot in the Gazebo simulator.
OpenMANIPULATOR-X RM-X52-TNM is an open, hardware-oriented platform. Most components are downloaded as STL files so that users can easily print them in 3d. It also allows users to modify the length of the links or the design of the robot for their own needs. OpenMANIPULATOR-X RM-X52-TNM is made of Dynamixel X Series which is used in TurtleBot.
OpenMANIPULATOR-X RM-X52-TNM can also be controlled using OpenCR (Open-source Control module for ROS), the control card used in TurtleBot3. OpenCR's computing power and real-time controllability can support front and rear kinematics, as well as profile control examples.
OpenMANIPULATOR-X RM-X52-TNM consists of the Dynamixel X series and 3D printing parts. Dynamixel has a modular shape and adopts the chain daisy method. It allows users to easily add or remove seals for their own use. Taking advantage of this feature, users can build seven different types of OpenMANIPULATOR-X series: Chain, SCARA, Link, Planar, Delta, Stewart and Linear.
DYNAMIXEL, power supply, and controller are not included. Compatible with TB3 controller and power.
The assembly manual is not included, but you can download the PDF file on our sheet product above.