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Playmobil Pro Starter Kit 70527

Playmobil Pro Starter Kit: up to 5 participants
Playmobil PRO

The Playmobil Pro Starter Kit is a 2-box kit containing Playmobil figures and many accessories. It can be used by a group of up to 5 people and offers a limited assortment of figures, animals, costumes, accessories and stationery.

The purpose of this Playmobil Pro Starter Kit is to gain a deeper understanding of the PLAYMOBIL Pro materials and to gain initial experience using Playmobil in a professional environment.

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Site Reference : RA_PLA002
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Shipped within 2 to 8 Days
189,90 €

Playmobil PRO Starter Kit

The Playmobil Pro Starter Kit is a 2-box kit containing Playmobil figures and many accessories. It can be used by a group of up to 5 people and offers a limited assortment of figures, animals, costumes, accessories and stationery. 

The purpose of this Playmobil Pro Starter Kit is to gain a deeper understanding of the PLAYMOBIL Pro materials and to gain initial experience using Playmobil in a professional environment.

Prepare the Playmobil PRO meeting

What exactly is your problem? How are you trying to solve it, and how have you addressed it before? Use the papers to record all your ideas as a group. 

What are the areas of disagreement? It is always good to note the common goal of the meeting and the obstacles to achieving it. You can assign certain tasks to the teams, which will be useful later when you customize your character.

Customize your Playmobil PRO character

Now it's up to you to be inventive! Customize the figures with hats, outfits and accessories. Uniforms and work items for several vocations are included in the set. If you're using Playmobil PRO in a corporate setting, it's a good idea to label each Playmobil with it to categorize them by job or department.

With a crown and cape, a briefcase and a notebook, you can represent the CEO, the project manager and the intern. Don't forget to write on the characters with the flags and other accessories in the Playmobil PRO Starter Kit. With Playmobil PRO disposable pen wipes, you can effortlessly wipe off notes and start over.

Use your Playmobil

Use the characters you have created to graphically communicate your problem and brainstorm potential solutions. Use tape to connect the characters and props on a stakeholder map or flow chart.

Who is responsible for what? Print materials such as customer journey maps directly from the Playmobil PRO website.

Reflect and document

Go back to your notes. What did you learn/find?

This step can often be overlooked, but it is really important to remember to write down your findings. Just as it is important to take notes during a Playmobil PRO meeting. The easiest way to do this is to take pictures and share them.

Contents of the Playmobil PRO Starter Kit

Playmobil PRO Starter Kit Contents

Playmobil PRO Starter Kit Contents

Playmobil PRO Starter Kit Contents

Playmobil PRO Starter Kit Contents

Playmobil PRO Starter Kit Contents

Playmobil PRO Starter Kit Contents

Playmobil PRO Starter Kit Contents

Playmobil PRO Starter Kit Contents

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