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Connected eletrotherapy

Bluetens is a new French start-up created in 2014, which aims to connect data between your body and your smartphone, thanks to electrodes that you can set in the different parts of your body.

Use the stimulation of your arms, thighs or the other parts of the body that you want to treat by placing the different connected electrodes Bluetens.

You benefit from a replica of the natural process via electronic stimulation to allow you to treat yourself, to relax, or to strengthen yourself.

This latest generation of connected objets instantly relieves you by urging certain nervous fibers in order to immediately short-circuit the messages of pain that are sent more slowly to the brain. 

The Bluetens electrodes are extremely simple to use and are to discover in our shelf of the health connected objects: its application for Smartphone allows you to select a part of the body to treat and the desired effect within more than 100 registered programs. And it’s ready, start your electrotherapy sequence.

Bluetens that operates in the e-health and wellness sector solves your daily health-related problems. Its electro-stimulator of the same name received the label of the Observer of Design 2016.


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