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Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is originally a very economical small computer and no larger than a credit card, which you can connect to a computer monitor (monitor) or television. To use it, simply use a keyboard and mouse as you would with any other computer. 

Its advantage is of course its price or mobility but also its possibilities, since it allows people of all ages to discover the field of computing or programming with common languages such as Scratch or Python. The Raspberry Pi is less powerful than a full computer purchased in a store but powerful enough to do many of the things you can do on a desktop computer :

  • Surfing the Internet
  • Play high definition videos
  • Create spreadsheets
  • Perform word processing
  • Playing games
  • And so on...

On the other hand, its manoeuvrability and programming allow it to go much further in its customization or integration into various and varied large-scale projects: music players, weather stations, bird houses with infrared cameras, etc....

Raspberry Pi also has a charity (The Raspberry Pi Foundation), based in the United Kingdom, whose aim is to promote IT and other related areas to train children and adults alike.

Power Supply Raspberry Pi 4 UK

Power Supply Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

Power supply USB-C, 5.1V, 3A: white UK plug or black EU plug
Raspberry Pi 4 model B 4Go

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4Go

Raspberry Pi 4 RAM 4GB DDR4, USB 3.0 And PoE
Raspberry Pi 4 case

Raspberry Pi 4 case

Raspberry Pi 4 Official Box
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