For a few years and that has just begun, we see the arrival of robots with numerous features that allow you to facilitate the daily tasks at home. Nobody has missed the wave of household robots and a little new one appears in order to help you in the maintenance of your garden: Tertill.
A project launched in Kickstarter by the great personality of the automatization and the household robot, which has already received in 19 June 2017 (namely in a week), 140000 dollars for 120000 demanded contribution. A robot that you will see very soon in the market but already available to preorder in the official website Franklin Robotics.
The team seems to be supported by itself into the gardening since many things had been thought in a good way. This robot for the gardening is to charge by a solar battery, which allows the use if you don’t have external electrical charge. The sun will charge by itself the battery, which will allow the robot to run next day when there is no more sun.
Other advantages not negligible in its autonomy and ecology are :
You must ask yourself how the Tertill robot can research the weeds and how to work. Just like most robots of this type, it’s equipped with numerous sensors and operates on a simple principle: the weeds are small, other plants are big.
So it’s obvious that the robot deals with the weeds from their emergence and not once when they grow up: you will have to take care of it by yourself, not to push.
It’s clair that when you put new plants in your garden, they are also small. That’s why the manufactory offers small metal rings that you can put around, in order to insure that Tertill robot doesn’t pass over it as for weeds.
Different components allow the robot not to be wedged by the external components of your garden such as pebbles and rocks. In fact, it uses 4 wheels drive to move on the ground, sand and other relatively flat soils but can also use its sensors to avoid steep slopes. Its wheels are in diagonal that allows it to have more stability when it works and its intelligent program allows it to avoid all problems.
For example, it can detect the closing of the garden but it’s better to make sure in advance to set them up in order to help it in its delimitation.
Finally, it can detect if one of its sensors stops working to know that it’s blocked and so pull itself out.
A robot that just arrives at its beginning since the project has started in 2015 but gives a solution to a problem that affects many things. How to remove the weeds automatically and from the beginning.
Without escaping from you, this outdoor robot looks somewhat like Roomba vacuum cleaner of iRobot. It’s normal since different people from iRobot have studied this project and the robot Tertill was created by Joe Jones, one of the creators of Roomba.
You can discover below the team of the robot-gardener, three of them have actually worked in iRobot and the others are the big name in their area:
Nothing is better a video to discover Tertill snatch the weeds on live !