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MBot Bluetooth Led Matrix Makeblock

mBot Robot To Build And Program : Block Language

Version V1.1 1 1 of the Makeblock Mbot STEM V1.1 robot is replaced by the mBot bluetooth LED matrix robot.

The Makeblock mBot bluetooth robot LED matrix is delivered in a kit to be assembled without any welding, in a cardboard box.

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Site Reference : RA_TEC025
Manufacturer Reference : 276988

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109,90 €

Makeblock MBot bluetooth LED Matrix educational robot

The mBot robot card is pre-programmed with several functions that allow them to be started very quickly: follow a line, remote control, avoid obstacles or display texts and images on the LED matrix. 

The mBot bluetooth robot LED matrix is associated with the MBLOCK programming software. You can program the robot simply by dragging and dropping and in block language very inspired by Scratch 2.0 or 3.0. Programming is thus made easier both by the original Scratch blocks and by various mBot-specific blocks.

The MBLOCK programming environment is intuitive, graphical and easy to use. MBLOCK is based on ScratchTM, a graphical programming tool known for games and animations, in block form. A system that will facilitate the creation of interactive applications but will also allow the programming of ArduinoTM projects. All blocks are converted to Arduino code that you can upload to the hardware.

mBot Bluetooth LED Matrix: content and features

  • Robot in kit form delivered in a cardboard box and to be assembled without welding
  • The box contains 38 aluminium mechanical parts that can be assembled in 15 minutes
  • Product size : 170 x 90 x 90 x 90 mm
  • 4 batteries (or accumulators) type R06 required for the robot and one CR2025 battery for the remote control.
  • Possibility to use a 3.7 V LiPo battery with JST connector.
  • Screwdriver, assembly instructions and robotic track included.
  • Control application available under IOS in Bluetooth.


mBot Bluetooth LED Matrix

  • Robot in kit form delivered in a cardboard box and to be assembled without welding
  • The box contains 38 aluminium mechanical parts that can be assembled in 15 minutes
  • Product size : 170 x 90 x 90 x 90 mm
  • 4 batteries (or accumulators) type R06 required for the robot and one CR2025 battery for the remote control.
  • Possibility to use a 3.7 V LiPo battery with JST connector.
  • Screwdriver, assembly instructions and robotic track included.
  • Control application available under IOS in Bluetooth.
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