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Makeblock robots are selled by a company created in 2011 by Jasen Wang.

Robot fan, he decided to create its own company to help crazy robotics and mechanics fan created and realizing easily their projects with robots, platforms, pieces and use their creativity.

MakeBlock designs robots, platforms easily programmable for amateurs or beginners in the field. Those robots have the aim of helping students in the learning of  STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

Makeblock Light And Sound Extension Pack

Makeblock Light And Sound Extension Pack

Makeblock Accessory
34,90 €
Bluetooth PC key for mBot

Bluetooth USB Key For Makeblock Robot

Makeblock Accessory
19,90 €
Matrix LED For mBot

Matrix LED For MBot

Makeblock Accessory
13,90 €
MBot Add-On Pack-Six-Legged Robot

MBot Add-On Pack-Six-Legged Robot

6-foot pack for mBot and mBot2 from Makeblock
34,90 €
MBot Makeblock Clamp Pack

MBot Makeblock Clamp Pack

Makeblock Accessories
39,90 €
MBot Add-on Pack-Servo Pack

MBot Add-on Pack-Servo Pack

Makeblock Accessory
34,90 €
Smart Camera Makeblock

Smart Camera Makeblock

Smart camera for mBot or mBot 2
111,90 €
Halocode Makeblock programming card

Halocode Makeblock Programming Card

Makeblock programming board
34,90 €
mBot 2 Makeblock servo robot pack

mBot 2 Makeblock Servo Robot Pack

Servo pack for mBot 2 Makeblock educational robot
34,90 €
mBot 2 Makeblock clamp pack

mBot 2 Makeblock Clamp Pack

Clamp pack for the mBot 2 Makeblock educational robot
34,90 €
mBot 2 Makeblock ball launcher pack

mBot 2 Makeblock Ball Launcher Pack

Ball launcher pack for mBot 2 Makeblock educational robot
49,90 €
MBot 2 Makeblock educational robot

MBot 2 Makeblock Educational Robot

Robot MBot 2 from Makeblock : delivered in kit to assemble
174,90 €
CyberPi innovation Makeblock additional pack

CyberPi Innovation Makeblock Additional Pack

Add on Makeblock dedicated to CyberPi Go kit
64,90 €
CyberPi Go Kit Makeblock

CyberPi Go Kit Makeblock

Programming learning interface
60,90 €
mTiny Makeblock robot coding board

mTiny Makeblock robot coding cards

Coding card set for the Makeblock mTiny discover
29,90 €
mBot 2 Makeblock extra floor pack

mBot 2 Makeblock Extra Floor Pack

Extra floor pack for Makeblock mBot 2 robot
12,90 €
MBot Bluetooth led matrix Makeblock

MBot Bluetooth Led Matrix Makeblock

mBot Robot To Build And Program : Block Language
109,90 €
Advanced experimentation pack 1 Makeblock

Advanced Experimentation Pack 1 Makeblock

Additional project pack for the mBot robot from Makeblock
64,90 €
Advanced experimentation pack 2 Makeblock

Advanced Experimentation Pack 2 Makeblock

Additional project pack for the mBot robot from Makeblock
48,90 €
Ultimate Robot Kit V2.0

Ultimate Robot Kit V2.0

Makeblock Educationnal Robot
449,90 €
Robot mBot Ranger (BlueTooth Version )

Robot mBot Ranger (BlueTooth Version )

Makeblock Educationnal Robot
189,90 €
Robot mTiny Discover Kit Makeblock

Robot mTiny Discover Kit Makeblock

Robot to learn to code and program
224,90 €
Codey Rocky Makeblock educational robot

Codey Rocky Makeblock Educational Robot

Codey Rocky programmable educational robot Education version
144,90 €
Airblock Makeblock

Airblock Makeblock

Modular and programmable DIY kit
Starter Robot Kit-Blue (IR Version)

Starter Robot Kit-Blue (IR Version)

Makeblock Educationnal Robot
Wifi Module Makeblock

Wifi Module Makeblock

Makeblock Accessory
MBot Makeblock Track Pack

MBot Makeblock Track Pack

Makeblock Accessories
mTiny Coding Kit Makeblock

mTiny Coding Kit Makeblock

Makeblock Programmable Robot
Inventor Electronic Kit Makeblock

Inventor Electronic Kit Makeblock

Arduino compatible starter kit
Makeblock Orion board Type Arduino

Makeblock Orion Board Type Arduino

Programmable board for robotic development
Mcore mBot Makeblock card

Mcore mBot Makeblock Card

Makeblock mBot programming board
Makeblock Beam Kits 8X24MM

Makeblock Beam Kits 8X24MM

Set of 8 and 10 Makeblock beams 8X24MM
Megapi V1 Makeblock programming card

Megapi V1 Makeblock Programming Card

ATmega2560 based microcontroller to drive motors
Auriga Makeblock programming card

Auriga Makeblock Programming Card

Improved version of the Orion Makeblock
Kit Dragon Knight Makeblock

Dragon Knight Makeblock Robot

Create the most powerful robot from Makeblock
Pack Codey Rocky + Neuron Makeblock

Pack Codey Rocky + Neuron Makeblock

Codey Rocky robot + 3 Neurons modules + accessories
Kit Explorer Neuron Makeblock

Kit Explorer Neuron Makeblock

Neuron technology experimentation kit
Pack class 4 Cyberpi Makeblock

Pack Class 4 Cyberpi Makeblock

Pack of 4 Cyberpi for the classroom
Makeblock mCreate 3D printer

Makeblock mCreate 3D Printer

Makeblock mCreate 3D printer + laser head
Pack AIOT Creator mBuild Makeblock

Pack AIOT Creator mBuild Makeblock

New mBuild Makeblock modules
Pack AIOT Scientist mBuild Makeblock

Pack AIOT Scientist mBuild Makeblock

AI and ioT scientific projects Makeblock
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