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MBot 2 Makeblock Educational Robot

Robot MBot 2 from Makeblock : delivered in kit to assemble

New Makeblock mBot 2 educational robot. The mBot2's two encoder motors make it more accurate and powerful than ever. Its Shield, which houses the CyberPi has its own advantages, including a built-in 2500mAh battery, the ability to attach four servo motors and two DC motors in addition to the two encoder motors of the mBot2, and the mBuild modules.

The kit contains a CyberPi board, a mBot2 shield, a mBuild Ultrason2 sensor, a 4 color sensor module, two encoder motors, a blue anodized aluminum chassis, two wheels, a free wheel, a set of mBuild and encoder motor cables, a set of screws, a line track, a type C programming cable, a screwdriver and assembly instructions. The robot is delivered without Bluetooth dongle.

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Site Reference : RA_TEC030
Manufacturer Reference : 277241

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Available More than 2 Available
Shipped within 48h
174,90 €

Robot mBot2 Makeblock

This new version of the mBot offers greater possibilities of programming, creation of projects and is a significant asset for robotic competitions. The 2 encoder motors of the mBot2 make it more precise (5°) and powerful than ever, its shield, which hosts the CyberPi, also brings its share of advantages such as: an integrated 2500mAh battery, the possibility to connect 4 servomotors and 2 DC motors in addition to the 2 encoder motors of the mBot2 as well as the mBuild modules The traditional sensors: the line follower and the ultrasonic sensor have also evolved.

Robot mBot2 Makeblock

The line tracker becomes a 4 color sensor module mBuild allowing you to follow a line as well as recognize the colors it passes over, it also has the ability to adapt its detection to the ambient light, thus limiting any interference. The mBuild ultrasonic sensor has 8 blue LEDs that can be individually programmed and an integrated chip to improve its stability.

The brain of the mBot2, the CyberPi board (to discover here), is programmable via the mBlock 5 software in block or Python language. It offers to the mBot2 an unprecedented connectivity thanks to the presence of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi allowing you to create a local network between several mBot2 as well as to connect it directly to the internet allowing you to easily set up activities around the IoT.

Contents of the Makeblock mBot2 Kit

  • A CyberPi card
  • A mBot2 shield
  • One mBuild Ultrasonic2 sensor
  • One mBuild 4 color sensor module
  • Two encoder motors
  • One blue anodized aluminum chassis
  • Two wheels
  • One free wheel
  • One set of mBuild cables and encoder motor
  • One set of screws and bolts
  • One line follower track
  • A programming cable type C
  • A screwdriver
  • An assembly manual.
  • The robot is delivered without Bluetooth dongle.



  • Programmable via mBlock 5 on Android, IOS and Windows.
  • Compatible with all mBuild components.
  • Delivered as a kit to assemble, in only 15 minutes, without any welding.
  • A CyberPi card
  • A mBot2 shield
  • One mBuild Ultrasonic2 sensor
  • One mBuild 4 color sensor module
  • Two encoder motors
  • One blue anodized aluminum chassis
  • Two wheels
  • One free wheel
  • One set of mBuild cables and encoder motor
  • One set of screws and bolts
  • One line follower track
  • A programming cable type C
  • A screwdriver
  • An assembly manual.
  • The robot is delivered without Bluetooth dongle.
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