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Bakugan Toys

The Bakugan is the new phenomenon of television that makes the youngest people dream these days. Thanks to these new toys, children will be able to play as Dan, Wynton, Lia, Shun, Lightning and especially invoke their favorite Bakugan to become true heroes by protecting them, training them and becoming the best Bakugan trainers in the playground.

All Bakugan and the battle board are available so that children can choose the faction they prefer to train and defend themselves: Aquos, Pyros, Haos, Darkus or Ventus. Each faction has its own hero and ability to attack and defend itself.

The Bakugan toys available on Robot-Advance contain different cartoon characters such as Nillious, Hydorous, Garganoid, Maxotaur, Cyndeous, Trox, Fangzor and many others.


Bakugan Toys

Bakugan Fighting Arena

New version of the Bakugan battle arena
49,99 € 36,19 €

Starter Pack Bakugan (Random Model)

1 Bakugan Special Attack, 2 Bakugan, 1 ring, 1 launcher card and 9 cards
24,99 € 18,09 €
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