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Other educational robots

Educational robots are now everywhere and allow you to learn coding, programming, logic, problem solving or artificial intelligence wherever you are. These educational robots are no longer exclusively reserved for learning at school since they also allow you to study and evolve on these new themes at home. They are accessible, understandable, playful and above all more and more affordable.


The manufacturers redouble their imagination and propose each year a multitude of new models of educational robots for children, adults, teachers or researchers. In this Robot-Advance section, you will find a selection of educational robots that we think are relevant, qualitative and that we think deserve to be known and proposed. Any questions? Need more information about an educational robot model? Contact us directly by mail or by phone.


Other educational robots

Robo Wunderkind robot Extention Kit

Robo Wunderkind robot Extention kit
199,00 € 170,00 €
Miranda robotic Simulation Software

Miranda robotic Simulation Software

Virtual simulation of educational robots: Scratch and Python
19,90 €
Miranda Academy Learning Software Scratch Python

Miranda Academy Learning Software Scratch Python

Learning Scratch and Python in middle school
99,00 €
Code & Go Mouse Activity Kit

Code & Go Mouse Activity Kit

Learn the basics of programming and sequencing
84,90 €
Maths Pack Code & Go Mouse Pack

Maths Pack Code & Go Mouse Pack

Addition, subtraction, numerical sequence and logical challenges
34,90 €
X Mouse Code & Go

X Mouse Code & Go

Coding, sequencing, basic programming
64,90 €
Wunderkind Robo Education Kit

Wunderkind Robo Education Kit

Robo Wunderkind educational robot
Max And Tobo Educational Robot Tutobo

Max And Tobo Educational Robot Tutobo

Programmable educational robot
Botzees Robot Pai Technology

Botzees Robot Pai Technology

Pai Technology programmable robotic kit
TruTrue Educational Robot

TruTrue Educational Robot

Educational robot: programming learning
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