The tiny Kitronik motor control board for the BBC micro:bit adds motor control functionality to the microbit. This board allows simultaneous operation of two motors with forward, reverse and stop control, making it perfect for designs such as buggies. Short circuit, overcurrent and heat protection are all included on the board.
The board contains a built-in Edge connector for simple insertion of your BBC micro:bit. It also has external connectors for the A and B button inputs.
The tiny Kitronik motor control board for the BBC micro:bit adds motor control functionality to the microbit. This board allows simultaneous operation of two motors with forward, reverse and stop control, making it perfect for designs such as buggies. Short circuit, overcurrent and heat protection are all included on the board.
The board contains a built-in Edge connector for simple insertion of your BBC micro:bit. It also has external connectors for the A and B button inputs. This allows additional switches/inputs to be connected to the motor control board, the status of which can then be read by the BBC micro:bit.
There are two other inputs/outputs. These can be used to connect a variety of components and can operate in digital or analogue mode.
Power is supplied via a terminal block or servo connection, and power is regulated by a switch on the board. When the board is switched on, a green LED lights up. The board also generates a regulated 3V supply that is provided in the 40-way connection to power the connected BBC micro:bit, eliminating the need to power the BBC micro:bit directly.
Kitronik has created a set of new blocks for the MakeCode editor to make the Compact motor driver board easier to use. To add them to the editor, click on the gear symbol in the top right corner. Then, in the drop-down menu, choose Extensions, and in the search field, type and enter Kitronik. Choose the Kitronik engine driving tile from the list, and the new blocks will be added to the editor menu.
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