Discover Otto, the first member of the HP Robots family. The OTTO Robot Builder Starter Kit is a unique STEM+A (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics + Arts) tool designed for classroom learning. This fully customisable robot is perfect for teaching the basics of robotics, engineering, electronics and coding. Designed for children aged 8 and over, Otto can be used in schools or at home under supervision, and from age 14, no supervision is required.
It has built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, a buzzer, a switch, a booster and a battery level indicator. All the necessary parts are supplied and ready to assemble without a 3D printer.
Otto is a complete educational robot, offering a host of technical features and ease of use.
Kit contents
Programming and coding
Evolutionary learning
Educational benefits
The OTTO Builder Star Kit is an excellent introduction to robotics and coding for young students. With its advanced functionalities and user-friendly design, Otto is the perfect tool to arouse the enthusiasm and interest of students for STEM+A.