with three pirates, two cannons and many accessories. With cabin under the helm. The hold in the middle of the ship opens to play inside. The ship floats.
The dangerous pirates with their skull and crossbones warship are the terror of the seven seas. As soon as their fiery red sail with the menacing skull and crossbones appears on the horizon, all the sailors are scared to death. The cunning pirate captain and his crew are always on the lookout for the next treasure or ship to storm.
With three pirates, two cannons and many accessories. With cabin under the helm. The hold in the middle of the ship opens up to play inside. The ship floats.
The dangerous pirates with their skull and crossbones warship are the terror of the seven seas. As soon as their fiery red sail with the menacing skull and crossbones appears on the horizon, all the sailors are scared to death. The cunning pirate captain and his crew are always on the lookout for the next treasure or ship to storm. With their swivel guns, pistols and sabres, the privateers throw themselves fearlessly into every battle. Beware landlubbers and redcoats!
The PlaySet includes a pirate ship, three PLAYMOBIL® characters, a steed, a parrot and two rats. The boat floats on water and can be equipped with a radio-controlled submersible motor (9853). For more flexible travel in the children's room, the boat's hull is equipped with wheels, which allow the boat to be moved effortlessly on the floor.