Join Scooby-Doo and Sammy on a new mystery mission in the mountains. The two heroes are investigating to discover the identity of the Snow Spectre who is chasing them on his skis. To escape, Sammy and Scooby speed off on their snowmobile. Will you be able to help them foil the spectre's plans and solve this icy riddle?
46 pieces in total: a complete boxed set for hours of play.
Join Scooby-Doo and Sammy on a new mystery mission in the mountains. The two heroes are investigating to discover the identity of the Snow Spectre who is chasing them on his skis. To escape, Sammy and Scooby speed off on their snowmobile. Will you be able to help them foil the spectre's plans and solve this icy riddle?
The surprising detail of this boxed set is the spectre's removable outfit, allowing children to discover who's behind this mysterious character. The included accessories such as the hamburger and gems add fun elements to enrich the story.
This Playmobil set lets children recreate mythical scenes from Scooby-Doo, or invent new adventures where courage and cunning are put to the test.
Not suitable for children under 3: risk of asphyxiation from small parts.