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Thymio 2 : programmable educational robot

Thymio is the new generation educational robot that has established itself over the years in many schools around the world. What is its objective? Allow children to familiarize themselves with engineering, programming, computer thinking or robotics. The Thymio robot team has surrounded itself with professors, engineers, designers and research institutes to perfect its robotics education program, which has been adopted by more and more schools in France and abroad.


Thymio educational robot for school


Thymio supports schools by offering many resources that help them integrate the educational robot into programs of all ages: 


  • Distribution of the source code of the educational robot Thymio
  • Distribution of design documents, including electronic diagrams
  • Distribution in digital format of documentation, exercises and curricula 
  • Regularly offer new learning kits and new products such as the Thymio II or the Thymio Wireless


Thymio is a complete open source robotics development platform, easy to use, ideal for small budgets! Embedding numerous sensors and a complete software suite (graphic and textual programming), the Thymio educational robot is an ideal all-in-one solution to start developing robots!  


Thymio offers all computer programming novices the opportunity to familiarize themselves with all the possibilities of their robot. To do this, he created the Aseba toolbox: a free downloadable free software, powered by the Thymio community and updated by Dr. Stéphane Magnenat. This toolkit is specially adapted for education, research and offers an easy and accessible visual coding (VPL) in the form of drag and drop images.


The Thymio educational community is extremely important and made up of many contributors. They regularly share their achievements, how they have been implemented and how you too can implement them with your students. A way to keep renewing yourself and never run out of ideas from one year to the next.

Thymio 2 Plus Thymio Router

Thymio 2 Plus Thymio Router

Thymio 2 + Router for Thymio educational robot
109,90 €
ThymioAI Thymio 2 Wireless Robot And AlphAI

ThymioAI Thymio 2 Wireless Robot And AlphAI

Thymio 2 Wireless robot to learn artificial intelligence with AlphAI
229,90 €
Top vente
Thymio 2 Wireless

Thymio 2 Wireless

Programmable educational robot
195,42 €
AlphAI Software Licence For Thymio 2 Wireless Robot

AlphAI Software Licence For Thymio 2 Wireless Robot

AlphAI Software Licence For Thymio Wireless Robot (only 1 Robot)
72,00 €
Thymio 2

Thymio 2

Programmable Educational Robot
151,75 €
Thymio 2 Suitcase Education Pack - 4 Robots

Thymio 2 Suitcase Education Pack - 4 Robots

Pack with 1 4-port USB charger, 1 Thymio case and 4 Thymio robots
679,40 € 644,90 €
Pack Education Valise Thymio 2 - 6 Robots

Pack Education Valise Thymio 2 - 6 Robots

Pack with 1 4-port USB charger, 1 Thymio case and 6 Thymio robots
1 006,12 € 954,90 €
Pack Education Suitcase Thymio 2 Wireless - 4 Robots

Pack Education Suitcase Thymio 2 Wireless - 4 Robots

Pack with 4 Thymio Wireless, 1 Thymio case and 1 4-port USB charger
854,07 € 809,90 €
Pack Education Suitcase Thymio 2 Wireless - 6 Robots

Pack Education Suitcase Thymio 2 Wireless - 6 Robots

Pack with 6 Thymio Wireless, 1 Thymio case and 1 4-port USB charger
1 268,13 € 1 199,90 €
Thymio 2 AI Suitcase Education Pack - 4 Robots

Thymio 2 AI Suitcase Education Pack - 4 Robots

Pack with 1 Thymio case, 4 Thymio AI robots and 1 4-port USB charger
971,99 € 935,90 €
Thymio 2 AI Suitcase Education Pack - 6 Robots

Thymio 2 AI Suitcase Education Pack - 6 Robots

Pack with 1 Thymio case, 6 Thymio AI robots and 1 4-port USB charger
1 445,01 € 1 394,90 €
Discovery Map Yéti For Thymio

Discovery Map Yéti For Thymio

Thymio Accessory
26,60 €
Thymio Challenge Activities

Thymio Challenge Activities

Thymio Accessory
45,90 €
Remote Control For Thymio

Remote Control For Thymio

Thymio Accessory
15,30 €
Thymio Wireless Kit Do It Yourself

Thymio Wireless Kit Do It Yourself

Thymio Accessory
59,90 €
4 Port USB Multiple Charger For Thymio

4 Port USB Multiple Charger For Thymio

4 Port USB Multiple Charger For Thymio
12,49 €
Thymio Multiple charger

Thymio Multiple charger

Thymio Accessory
35,90 €
Suitcase For Thymio

Suitcase For Thymio

Thymio Accessory
59,90 €
Pack Education Valise Thymio 2 Wireless

Pack Education Valise Thymio 2 Wireless

Programmable Educational Robot
1 402,12 €
Pack Education Valise Thymio 2

Pack Education Valise Thymio 2

Programmable Educational Robot
1 129,90 €
Thymio AI Suitcase Education Pack

Thymio AI Suitcase Education Pack

Thymio AI Suitcase Education Pack
1 549,00 €
Thymio 10 Years Anniversary Kits

Thymio 10 Years Anniversary Kits

Two limited edition 10-year anniversary kits for Thymio
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